Mode 3 electric charging cable kit (public charging) 230/400 V 3NAC, max. 13.8 kW

Reference: 000054412BD

Mode 3 electric charging cable kit (public charging) 230/400 V 3NAC, max. 13.8 kW

Reference: 000054412BD
  • Product
  • An easy and convenient way to charge on the road: that is the MODE 3 charging set from CUPRA Original Accessories.
    • Mode 3 charging cable with type 2 connectors 3x20 A
    • Length: 6 m
    • Cable in yellow signalling colour
    • Incl. charging cable bag with carabiner to secure it in the luggage compartment

RRP: $ 750.00 *

* Manufacturer’s recommended retail price (RRP) including GST and accessory fitment. Overseas models are shown for illustrative purposes only. Optional accessories at extra cost. Please note that the above accessories may have an effect on fuel efficiency. Items such as sports equipment and tablets are shown for illustration purposes only and are not available for purchase from CUPRA Australia or its Agents and Service Partners.

* Before installing an accessory in your vehicle, please always read the recommendations in your CUPRA's manual .

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